Monday, 26 January 2009

Hello Squirt here!

Well the Iorning has been done and I am always amazed at why humans iron their many coats should have just one like us dogs .........No fuss easy to keep clean just wash and go!

But I'm being rude and getting way ahead of myself let me introduce myself .

My names is Squirt And I'm a 15 month 26 day old Rhodisian Ridgeback One of a litter of eleven Pups born to Durban and Purdy on the 1st October 2007 one by one my brothers and sisters found a home till there were just three of us left Jilla Pierrot and me Squirt I'm the youngest and by far the most beautiful


  1. Hi Squirt, keep up the good work
    Love your blog

  2. Hi Squirt! I have missed your diary entries! Bear sends love and licks.
